As part of the “Digital Challenges” call for expressions of interest from the Future Investments Program, the General Commission for Investments has entrusted Teratec with implementing, organizing, launching, and monitoring 10 digital challenges. These challenges Data Poc aim to allow solutions that break with tradition to emerge, solutions that will end in a POC (proof of concept) being created, and will be used as initial recommendations for the selected recipients, allowing them faster entry to the market. DotVision was selected for Challenge #1 – city and urban systems applications sector – to design a tool to help decide how to estimate flexibility potential.



The ambition of the Data Poc challenge is to optimize energy exchanges across a smartgrid (city, neighborhood, building) and deduce a flexibility potential from that. There are two strategic management links, here: territorial management and MicroGrid management, as well as the combination of the two. Making data available regarding both production sources and modes of consumption will make it possible to glimpse a more rational version of energy management, one that meets various goals. What will make the PoC different, here, will be that we will enable algorithmic optimization that will make it possible to estimate the flexbility potential of energy resources on the basis of uses that pertain to a “MicroGrid-type” structure.